Parenting 101: Best Ways to Raise your Kids Right!

Parenting is one of the most difficult challenges we ever face in our lives. Not only is it challenging to know how to respond to so many situations but we sometimes also have to deal with the observations and comments of others about how we’re raising our kids.

But consider that parenting is the way in which your kids develop their roots. It is laying the foundation so they can blossom and flourish in the future. How we parent makes a difference. Good parenting is all about providing our kids with the right kind of nourishment so they can grow into responsible, mature adults.

Here are some ways to improve your parenting skills and raise your children in a helpful way.

  • Listen to your kids:

Usually kids are enthusiastic souls and like to be vocal about a lot of things. It is when they feel ignored or insignificant that they start feeling distant from their parents. The first and foremost rule of parenting is to be your kid’s go-to person. The one they share their hearts with. So listen to them when they speak. You are building a bond that lasts a lifetime as you do.


  • Empathize with them:

Not only do we want to listen but we want to show empathy. We want to listen well-enough that we understand what they think and feel and why they feel as they do. This requires that we suspend our tendency to judge or fix them so we can put ourselves in their shoes. Then it is possible to open up deeper discussions about right and wrong, good and bad.

  • Give up judgements:

We tend to judge our kids as they go through so many hormonal and emotional changes that are a natural part of growing up. Doing so causes them to shut down emotionally. It isn’t that they stop thinking and acting as they do, they just stop coming to you. If you want to influence them, it is important to be their support system and not just another in the society who passes a judgement.

  • Imposing is a no-no:

There will be times your child disagrees with you or rebels against your opinions and choices. When they do so it is good to give them space to express themselves rather than simply impose your thoughts and choices on them. They have to figure life out for themselves. It is certainly appropriate, even necessary, to talk to them about  your values. But let them talk to you as well. Tell them what you believe and let them talk about their perspective as well. Imposing your will harms your relationship and their ability to think for themselves, whereas a discussion helps them think more deeply about and learn to trust and rely on you.

If you understand the need to learn parenting skills, you can do a better job of raising responsible kids. The key is to connect with your kids and encourage them to open up and share their world with you. If you’re curious to learn parenting skills and strategies then opt for this excellent parenting book that will teach you how.

Happy parenting!

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